
Gary Evans
Island Scholar Profile Picture
Gary Evans
McDougall Hall 315
Island Scholar:
Island Scholar Biography


Dip. CS, BA, BComm, MBA (Windsor); PhD (Liverpool John Moores University)

Dr. Evans (Maliseet Heritage) prior to embarking on an academic career was Senior Partner and CEO for KPMG Consulting for Central Eastern Europe and prior to that appointment was Partner in Charge of Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Energy for the London, U.K. office of KPMG for tax, audit and consulting. As a partner in a professional firm Dr. Evans spend substantial amount of time with corporate boards and the executive management of major international corporations.

After retiring from professional practice Dr. Evans has dedicated his time to research and teaching at the University of Prince Edward Island and completed his PhD in Corporate Governance at Liverpool John Moores University. Dr. Evans continues researching corporate boards globally and is on the editorial board of three academic journals, has been the guest editor for special corporate governance journal publications and is considered a leading author within the field of corporate governance. Dr. Evans developed the Board Culture Theory using Classical Grounded Theory. Dr. Evans’s research crosses many areas including: music, indigenous knowledge, corporate governance, disruptive technology and grounded theory. Dr Evans is a participating partner with Luminary a national non-profit indigenous organization supporting indigenous research and business development across Canada.

Research Interests
  • Disruptive Technology
  • Indigenous Research
  • International Business and Culture
  • Grounded Theory
  • Corporate Governance Including Technology, Culture and Gender Equality
  • Music

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