
Charles Adeyanju
Island Scholar Profile Picture
Charles Adeyanju
Chair, Sociology and Anthropology
Sociology and Anthropology
SDU Main Building 523
Island Scholar:
Island Scholar Biography

Chair, Sociology and Anthropology; Associate Professor

BA (York); MA (Guelph); PhD (McMaster)

Dr. Charles Adeyanju is Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Prince Edward Island. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from McMaster University. Adeyanju’s research interests are in the areas of social inequality, immigration, media and society, and race and ethnicity. He has researched a range of social issues that include media representations of race, migration of Nigerians to Canada for higher education, and taser use by the Canadian police. His publications have appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Social Identities, Journal of Black Studies, Journal of Migration and International Migration, African Studies Review, and the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Charles Adeyanju is currently working on two research projects: The first is on the “School Resource officer (SRO) program in Canada,” in collaboration with other researchers in other universities across Canada. The SRO program is an ostensible presence of armed police officers in high schools for the purpose of safeguarding the safety and security of students, teachers, and staff. The second research project is on “African Immigrants in Prince Edward Island.”

Research Interests
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Transnational Migration
  • Media and Society
  • Media representations of race and ethnicity
  • Social inequality
  • Work and society
  • Canadian society
  • Minority/ethnic groups and multiculturalism.

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