
A chronological list of UPEI media releases. Enter keywords in the "search" box to find applicable releases.

Media Releases

| Alumni
At March's Research on Tap, join a UPEI chemist who will defend both the honour of his profession, and the much-maligned so-called enemy of the environment: plastic. The discussion starts at 7 p.m., March 9, in the bar at Mavor's in the Confederation Centre of the Arts. Dr. Michael Shaver is an assistant professor of chemistry with a focus on 'green' chemistry. His lab is...
| Alumni
The Tourism Research Centre in the School of Business at UPEI has released its fifteenth and final report based on the results for the 2007-2008 visitor exit survey. This report gives an overall snapshot of PEI's visitors segmented in a variety of ways and summarizes the findings of the previous reports. 'The exit survey provides a wealth of information for government and tourism...
| Alumni
Darryl McDaniel, president and owner of U&Me Marketing Inc., will be the guest speaker at the UPEI Business Society's 33rd annual luncheon on Friday, March 5. The luncheon will take place at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel, starting with a reception at 11 a.m. Tickets are $55 per person. Tables of eight or ten can also be purchased. McDaniel will talk about understanding consumers,...
| Alumni
Tonight's presentation at UPEI by Monique Collette, President of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), has been postponed. Further details will be announced at a later date. In the spring of 2009, at the request of the Clerk of the Privy Council, Ms. Collette conducted a one-person task force to explore ideas and practical approaches that were having a positive impact on the...
| Students
At the request of the provincial government, UPEI has committed to developing a BEd program to meet the needs of kindergarten teachers as they transition from early childhood centres to the PEI school system. This is a temporary program that will accept just two intakes of students altogether, in 2010 and 2011. The program is currently going through the UPEI review process, prior to being...
| Alumni
A Magnificent Gift Declined, published by the Institute of Island Studies last fall, has won the prestigious Publication of the Year Award for 2009 from the PEI Museum & Heritage Foundation. The award was shared with the book's author, Leonard Cusack, and presented at the annual Heritage Awards evening held recently in Summerside. The award recognizes an outstanding contribution to the...
| Alumni
Members of the public are invited to attend presentations in March by candidates for the position of Director of Environmental Studies at the University of Prince Edward Island. Dr. Carolyn Peach-Brown of the University of Guelph will give a presentation called 'Community-University: Partners for Sustainability' on Monday, March 1, from 7 - 8:30 p.m., in the Atlantic Veterinary...
| Alumni
Two of Canada's most popular, gutsy and gripping poets, Jeanette Lynes and Douglas Burnet Smith, will read on Thursday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m., in the UPEI Faculty Lounge, Main Building. Both teach literature and creative writing at St. Francis Xavier University. Lynes' highly accessible, entertaining, and street-savvy poetry, and her vibrant performances, have earned her a nation-...
| Alumni
There will be a free public screening of the film Awra Amba, followed by a discussion, on Thursday, March 4, at 7 p.m. in the Main Building Faculty Lounge at UPEI. This screening is the Canadian premiere of the film, which is currently being distributed to film festivals world-wide. Cindy Hanson, of the UPEI Faculty of Education, has worked in Awra Amba and will facilitate the discussion after...
| Alumni
UPEI student Nicholas MacLeod has been named the 2010 Student Entrepreneur Prince Edward Island Champion by national charitable organization, Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship (ACE) and program supporter, CIBC. Since 2003, Nicholas has owned and operated Future Web Design, providing full service information technology services with a strong emphasis on customer service. Future Web...