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“Crisis and Opportunity : The History and Future of Global FIsheries”

Event Date:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 7:00 pm
Souris Theater
Public Lecture sponsored by Institute of Island Studies as part of 'Time and a Place Conference, Environmental history of PEI Conference' Wednesday 16 June Souris Theatre , 7:00 – 8:00 PM Dr. Daniel Pauly University of British Columbia “Crisis and Opportunity : The History and Future of Global FIsheries” The period following end of the Second World War saw massive catch increases, but crashes due to overfishing began to be reflected in global catch trends in the 1970s, and intensified in the 1980s and 1990s. In response, the industrialized countries of the Northern Hemisphere moved their effort toward deeper waters, and toward the coasts off developing countries, and beyond into the Southern Hemisphere. Now, this global expansion is completed, and global catch, which peaked in the late 1980s, continue to decline. Several factors act to prevent the public in developed countries from realizing the depth of the crisis fisheries are in: over-reporting by China; the fact that FAO combines declining fisheries catches with strongly increasing aquaculture production, increased consumption, in developed countries, of seafood from developing countries, and widespread denial, by governments of the gravity of the global fisheries crisis. This crisis is likely to be aggravated by global warming, whose likely effects on global fisheries will be presented. This talk will end with a discussion of some positive measures to address some of these issues, notably a refocusing on artisanal fisheries, which, as opposed to industrial fishing, tend to have features compatible with a modicum of sustainability. Biography Daniel Pauly, a French citizen, became in 1994 a Professor at the Fisheries Centre of the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada, following two decades of fisheries and marine research in the tropics, and university studies in Germany. Dr. Pauly has authored over 500 scientific articles, book chapters, reports and shorter contributions, as well as numerous books. These documents, mainly dedicated to the management of fisheries, to ecosystem modeling and increasingly to food security issues, are in use throughout the world, and have led to numerous scientific awards.
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Island Studies