The University of Prince Edward Island, through the McDougall Faculty of Business, offers an interdisciplinary program of studies leading to a Certificate and a Diploma in Public Administration. The program is intended for working federal, provincial, and municipal public servants who wish to prepare themselves for higher administrative and management positions. Others with similar interests may apply. Every effort is made to schedule the compulsory and elective courses for the program at times convenient for those employed.
The UPEI Public Administration program has three basic objectives:
- to develop, along with specific skills, an understanding of the interpersonal and interorganizational roles of an individual within the public service;
- to assist in the training and development of individuals for policy and administrative positions in the public service; and
- to equip individuals with knowledge and techniques for efficient and effective decision-making.
Need more information about Public Administration?
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Note: Current UPEI students should refer to Student Planning in myUPEI and the UPEI Academic Calendar governing their entry year, and speak to an academic advisor about course requirements. The course structure presented for this program is a recommended, unofficial progression for prospective students.
The Certificate program is designed and intended for advancement to the middle management in the public service. To qualify for a Certificate, a student must complete ten (10) three semester-hour courses for a total of thirty (30) semester hours. Eight (8) of the three semester hour courses are compulsory and two (2) are chosen from the list of approved electives.
Compulsory Certificate Courses
- Organizational Behaviour - Business 1710
- Introductory Microeconomics - Economics 1010
- Introductory Macroeconomics - Economics 1020
- UPEI 1010
- A Writing Intensive course
- Canadian Politics I: Government - Political Science 2010
- Law Politics and the Judicial Process I - Political Science 2110
- Canadian Public Administration - Political Science 3110
The Diploma program is designed and intended for more advanced Public Administration education. To qualify for a Diploma, a student must complete an additional ten (10) three semester hour courses beyond the Certificate. Six (6) of the additional three semester hour courses are compulsory and four (4) are chosen from the list of approved electives. In addition, candidates for the Diploma in Public Administration must satisfy the Co-ordinator that they have completed a public service work experience of four months, full-time, in a public administration environment.
Compulsory Diploma Courses
- Human Resource Management – Business 2720
- Communications – Business 4610
- Organizational Development and Change – Business 4710
- Canadian Economic Problems – Economics 3040
- Canadian Federalism – Political Science 3020
- Canadian Public Policy – Political Science 3140
Approved Electives
Electives from the following list may be selected for either the Certificate or the Diploma requirement but an elective cannot be used for both Certificate and Diploma.
Certificate and Diploma Electives
- Management Information Systems – Business 2410
- Industrial Relations – Business 3720
- Business Law I – Business 3010
- Business Law II – Business 3020
- Prince Edward Island in the 20th Century – History 4890
- The Canadian Experience – Canadian Studies 3010 and 3020
- Public Finance – Economics 4120
- Politics and Government of Prince Edward Island – Political Science 2020
- Law, Politics and the Judicial Process II – Political Science 2120
- Canadian Provincial Politics: A Comparative Perspective – Political Science 3220
- Public Policy in Small Island Jurisdictions – Political Science 4140
Any one of the following statistics courses:
- Introductory Statistics I – Statistics 1210
- Statistics and Research Design I – Psychology 2780
- Methodology and Research I – Sociology 3310
- Management Science I – Business 2510
The substitution of one university credit course not now in the listing of elective courses which is directly related to the present work of the applicant may be permitted with the approval of the program co-ordinator.

High School Graduates
Canadian High School Equivalency Chart
Successful completion of Grade 12 examinations in a University Preparatory Program with an overall average of at least 70% (75% for Quebec Secondary V students) in the following subjects:
- English,
- Mathematics,
- any two Social Studies, Languages or Sciences,
- and one other academic course.
Please refer to the UPEI Academic Calendar for complete admissions information.
UPEI's undergraduate tuition is the second-lowest in the Atlantic region, and we offer millions of dollars in scholarships and awards.
$7,170 per year, based on 30 credit hours ($717 per 3 credit course).
International students pay $8,410 per year in addition to full-time student tuition.
For a complete breakdown of part-time or full-time study as a student in the Faculty of Business, visit our Tuition and Fees page.
Scholarships and Awards
UPEI supports you and your educational goals. We administer millions of dollars in scholarships and awards to our undergraduate and graduate students every year. Depending on your faculty or program, and year of study, you may be eligible for available awards.
Search the complete list of scholarships for information and application forms.
Celebrating Student Achievement
Including Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships and Academic Excellence Awards, these awards recognize the academic achievements of all students who meet the eligibility criteria while studying towards their first undergraduate degree.
Visit the Scholarships site for complete information.
UPEI has about 250 faculty members—exceptional scholars, teachers, and mentors, with more being hired each year as we open new, progressive, and unique programs. But the story isn’t just in the numbers. It’s in the quality of our people. Award-winning faculty from around the globe have made UPEI home. Here, you’ll learn directly from these world-class professors and researchers in small classes where you’ll have easy access to them.